Spiritipitous Video

You've read some of my stories. Here's a chance to listen to me brag on God with Spiritipitous Stories.


  1. Kim,
    I stopped by to hear an encouraging word before my quiet time this morning. Little did I know that your message would BE my quiet time. Thank you for lifting my eyes to see that the ordinary can be extraordinary when surrendered to the Lord. As I begin a very ordinary day, may God transform it for his good pleasure. What a privilege to be a part of his grand plan. Blessings, Lori

    1. Yay God! So glad God had a SPIRITipitous plan even in this! :) And I love how you put it: What a privilege to be a part of his grand plan!
      Thanks for the encouragement, and God bless you BIG, Lori!

  2. Started my day with this video this morning before the house exploded into chaos. It confirmed for me some things about the stories God has been asking us to tell lately. Thank you for posting, friend.

    1. Praise God for using this to communicate to you! I will pray *right now* about the Stories He is writing in your life ... and may He give you the joy of the Lord as your strength to tell them :)


Each week I write a BOG (Brag On God) post. My prayer is that my words will invite you to brag on God, too. And together we'll make God smile.